Things start to go a bit nuts around here this time of year in preparation for my favourite day of the year... Halloween, I am attempting the ultimate bad-ass female villain; Mystique from the X-men comics.
Mystique is a shape-shifting super-villain with blue skin, red hair and yellow eyes. Her character is over 100 years old.
Mystique has a number of different looks ranging from fully dressed with light blue skin, to a fully scaled alien-looking naked mutant.

This costume is going to be quite the under-taking involving copious amounts of body paint and hairspray among other things, so I am getting started early.
I am still undecided on what material I am going to use for her's a toss up between liquid silicone, latex or fabric paint...or something else. If you have suggestions I'd like to hear them!
I'll keep you posted and be sure to reveal my results when the time comes, wish me luck!! ^_^
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